Many people crave experiencing making an impact on bettering the world and creating a Bright Future for each other now and for the next generations to come.
Our Consulting programs offer engaging practices to bring alive the opportunities of each person's creative self-expression and create the social context to contribute to the well being of the whole.
Let us know how we can assist in bringing forth your vision for yourself, your business or community.
What does "Creative Economy" mean?
Creative economy (economic system) - Wikipedia
Design Intention :: William MacDonough Cradle to Cradle
Advice for Kids in this age of Environmental crisis:
Social Entrepreneur for a Culture of Belonging, Renewal & Joy, Dawn offers individuals and communities "interbeing" practices for creating a peaceful world destiny. For those who crave making a difference in the world, bettering the world and creating a bright future for each other now and for the next generations to come, our practices are easy, fun, and enlivening, in alignement with our natural essence. Dawn S. Mazzone founded Creative Economy Enterprises to bring alive each person's unique self-expression to contribute to the well-being of the whole.