" I remembered always something you told me and I now have a career directly
related to my passions. It brings me great joy. Thank you. - Susan, entrepreneur
“ You went so deep so fast with me. I am the one that heals others,
so this was very unusual for me, to be in touch with parts of myself
in this way, such an amazing session for me and I am so grateful.”
- RV, Reiki and Martial Arts Master
" What a classy, truely memorable event for our business reception.
Thank you for all you did to have our members see what is possible." - L. Bowman, Business Center of Chester County
“Thank you for all your creativity for my company.
You have revived my business and injected my life with more. More energy, love, life and peace.
Thank you.” - Carolee Risk, Development Associates
“You are amazing. It is uncanny what you have created on my behalf.
I am forever beholden to you. Your observation totally stopped me in my tracks.
It captured how I feel and how I want to be seen, felt, known for who I am.
This is a visual soul activator related directly to some experiences I've had in nature.
Thank You." - Suzanne, Professional Dancer
" Dawn Mazzone has an indepth grasp of what it means for a business
to be truly sustainable . Her visuals and clarity made a complex field
understandable and inspiring. I gained a lot of valuable knowledge." - David Terees, Breakthrough Int'l, Manchester, England
Thank you for a great event. We thought the night was great and your presentation
really made an impact! - the team of The Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia
"You've provided a glimpse of a way of being to live into, re-member.
Engaged in the process of working with you, it feels as though the molecules
of my body are rearranging themselves, and revealing to myself who I actually am.
You are truly gifted and talented.I have been telling people you are a shaman of sorts."
- Zannah, project manager
"Thank you for supporting the 4th Session on Marketing. Your presentation
enlightened and inspired the group to the possibilities of creativity. Your experience
and talent enabled us to provide valuable information to the group.
The visuals in your presentation were right on 'target'. I have a new respect for "the elements".
- Robert Johnston, exec. director, Exton Region Chamber of Commerce
"All those attending really appreciated your presentation on Green Jobs.
The fact that the jobs contributed back as well as contributing to people's
livelihood created thought-provoking discussions." - Kecia McMillian, PathStone Corporation
"You have guiding energy and embrace the essence of the personal stories
in the group as they are being told." - Laurie Szoke, Penn State Education
After our meeting the other day I went home floating on a cloud
because of the strong connection I felt to your warm and generous spirit.
I want you to know that you help others find the courage within to make their lives
all that they can be. Thank you so much for your willingness to share your insights with me.
Thanks for keeping me moving on my projects.
- Warm regards, H. Richardson, Phila, PA
“ Your creativity in revealing oneself to oneself in a non-threatening way
through creative exercises is such a beautiful art and skill you have.
The exercises reveal in metaphor the center core of our current story to ourselves.
How you then weave it together for each of us to compose a New Story for ourselves
is really lovely and transformational.
Thank you.” - Roxayne, Homeopathy Healer
Social Entrepreneur for a Culture of Belonging, Renewal & Joy, Dawn offers individuals and communities "interbeing" practices for creating a peaceful world destiny. For those who crave making a difference in the world, bettering the world and creating a bright future for each other now and for the next generations to come, our practices are easy, fun, and enlivening, in alignement with our natural essence. Dawn S. Mazzone founded Creative Economy Enterprises to bring alive each person's unique self-expression to contribute to the well-being of the whole.